
乱乱论坛 4


这首酱出名的诗leh 是出于我的呕象 他就是大名鼎鼎 鼎鼎有名 名利双收 的诗圣 李白(if i not mistaken). tis poem is very easy to understand. First stanza mean in front of my bed has a big n beautiful moon. Secong stanza mean i thought the moon is under snow. while the third stanza mean when i look up to sky to see moon. And the last stanza mean when i look down i thought about my family.

therefore tis was the meaning of tis poem. thank you for all of ladies and gentlemen.


Daily feeling 9

today i had been scolded by my mom very upset well i had been used to it. After all tis holiday i feel very boring u know don't know to do wat.